Health IT, Patient Engagement

What’s next in the journey to true EMR interoperability? An operating system for health

Here’s what needs to happen to make the EMR useful to patients.

It’s been a tough time for advocates of giving patients the ability to access and share their electronic medical record data with a third party through a personal health record or patient portal. The move to scale back the HITECH Act’s Meaningful Use Stage 2 provision has been a difficult pill t0 swallow.

But Flow Health Chief Privacy Officer David Harlow explained at the MedCity ENGAGE conference why he is continuing to push for an interoperable system and what that might look like.

Harlow is also part of the Get My Health Data Movement.

“What I would like to see and what I think we can see in the very near term is creating really what I would refer to as an operating system for healthcare – an operating system that is able to pull records from multiple providers, create a longitudinal health record of complete EHR data that’s accessible to patients, to providers, to caregivers, to payers so that folks can see what that means all in one place,” Harlow said.

“Meaningful interoperability can be achieved in the near term,” he also said.

You can listen to Harlow’s vision for the future of electronic medical records here.

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Photo: Flickr user Karl-Ludwig Poggemann