Telemedicine, Health IT

Telehealth expands access to care in urban as well as rural environments (watch)

Now at Seton Healthcare in Austin, Texas, a lot of the telehealth and access issues Henderson now deals with are the same. She discusses the challenges in a video interview from ATA 2016.

Last we heard from Kristi Henderson, she was doing great things expanding access to care as chief telehealth and innovation officer of the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

Henderson left Mississippi late last year to become vice president of virtual care and innovation of Ascension Health‘s Texas ministries. Based at Seton Healthcare in Austin, a lot of the telehealth and access issues she now deals with are the same.

“The technology doesn’t matter if you’re 5 miles away or 300 miles away. That’s the beauty of it,” Henderson said in a new interview at this week’s American Telemedicine Association annual conference in Minneapolis.

She said she was drawn to Austin in part because of the strong tech community there and the fact that the healthcare community effectively is being remade. “This is really about redesigning healthcare to make it more consumer-friendly,” Henderson said.

Watch the interview here:

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