Bruce Booth


A lesson on biotech CEO dynamics using… thermodynamics!

Venture capitalist Bruce Booth likened CEO dynamics to thermodynamics in a blog that uses scientific parlance to describe leadership challenges to the nerdy biotech set. The metaphors are pretty out of control. Explosive? For instance, as in thermodynamic reactions, Booth asserts there are two kinds of CEOs – exothermic (energy releasing) and endothermic (energy absorbing). The exothermic CEO is […]


Biotech and the World Cup: Some uncanny similarities

There are some distinct parallels between the World Cup and the biotech biz, or so says Bruce Booth of Atlas Venture in an entertaining but spot-on recent blog post. As we enter the frenzied final days of the international soccer tournament, we’d  be well-served to hang onto some lessons learned from the sport (before America forgets about […]

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