
Health IT

Drug Shortages Not Only Exacerbate Healthcare Burnout But Can Also Harm Patient Care

The second quarter of 2023 ended with 309 active drug shortages, the highest total in nearly a decade, according to a new report from ASHP. One of the organization’s executives pointed out that drug shortages have two major impacts on health systems: they create a lot of extra work for the pharmacy department, and they force clinicians to make tough decisions about patient care that could potentially result in worse patient outcomes.

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MedCity Influencers, Health Tech

Save Someone’s Life in 5 Minutes or Let Them Die in 30?

In Pickens County, Alabama, cardiac arrests are now treated differently. Instead of immediately transporting patients, local EMS now work cardiac arrests in the field for 30 minutes; if there’s no change, they call it a "death in the field" because they know they cannot get the patient to a hospital in time for life-saving care. Why? Hospital closures now mean there's no hospital nearby.

MedCity Influencers, Hospitals, Nurses

It’s Time for Nursing To Return to Its Roots

Many physicians, podiatrists, psychologists, and occupational and physical therapists are able to take advantage of the ability to be an independent contractor with little scrutiny. Those who oppose it when it comes to nursing fail to see nurses as anything but a tax classification; they don’t understand that trying to corral nurses back into a system of work that does not work for them will only intensify the nursing shortage by exacerbating the flight from the workforce.