A Lifetime Guarantee on a Shoulder Implant? This Device Maker Is Offering It Through Geisinger
Swiss Medtech Company Medacta teamed up with Geisinger to begin providing the world's first, lifetime guarantee on shoulder replacement surgeries.
Swiss Medtech Company Medacta teamed up with Geisinger to begin providing the world's first, lifetime guarantee on shoulder replacement surgeries.
At a recent panel discussion, healthcare executives agreed that telehealth will remain an important part of care delivery post-pandemic, so now is the time for providers to figure out how best to incorporate these services alongside in-person care. Actionable data will prove to be a key resource for providers as they tweak their strategies.
In a remote work environment, cybersecurity teams learned that they needed to support their organizations by providing workers with the information they needed to secure their data, while also remaining flexible to changing needs, panelists said at a HIMSS Digital session.
The company has a 10,000-patient prospective trial with Geisinger fully enrolled to test CancerSEEK, a test developed at Johns Hopkins University.
“Geisinger is prescribing DNA sequencing to patients and putting DNA results in electronic health records and actually creating an action plan to prevent that predisposition from occurring. We are preventing disease from happening,” said Wendy Wilson, a Geisinger spokeswoman.
Members of the Partners in Innovation, Education, and Research consortium include Atlantic Health System, Drexel University, Einstein Healthcare Network, Geisinger including AtlantiCare, Main Line Health, and Thomas Jefferson University.
Are portals delivering on their promise to engage patients? Or are these results too often a source of confusion and alarm for patients and the cause of more work for doctors because information is provided with little to no guidance?
The Danville, Pennsylvania-based system plans to work with rabbittransit to help patients get to their appointments on time. Additionally, researchers from Geisinger and Regeneron Genetics Center recently found a gene variant that's associated with a reduction in the risk for chronic liver disease.
In a recent phone interview, Geisinger's new chief innovation officer, Karen Murphy, discussed her new role and the future of healthcare transformation.
One element of the program involves a fresh food pharmacy — an initiative that "prescribes" a food program for diabetic, food-insecure patients.
A new report from Relatient, A Data-Driven Guide to Patient Access Succes, highlights how focusing on data accuracy and relevance can enhance the performance of healthcare practices.
One of the most drastic changes resulting from the survey was the implementation of a formal dress code for RNs. In January, RNs began wearing pewter gray and white scrub uniforms embroidered with the Geisinger logo and the designation “Registered Nurse.”
Ryu wasn’t familiar with the recent inflammatory comments by American Medical Association CEO Dr. James Madara, who compared digital health to "snake oil," but Ryu said he was a fan of a lot of technologies in healthcare.
The Geisinger Health System empire is bringing its model of value-based care to the Atlantic City area.
This week, Geisinger Health System in Pennsylvania opened the doors of its Geisinger Precision Health Center, including a telemedicine genomics program, while Swedish Cancer Institute, part of Seattle's Swedish Medical Center, announced that it would install software to mine EHR and genomic records to match patients' genetic mutations to treatments most appropriate to their tumors.
There’s been a flurry of news related to telemedicine this week, with several notable developments in Mississippi and Silicon Valley. One of the more interesting aspects of telemedicine is that much of the innovation and focus of late has come from startups and vendors, while health systems have shown a bit of reluctance to deploy […]