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Who is Supporting Family Caregivers?

The role of the family caregiver is considered part of the cycle of life. But it can be time consuming and stressful, especially if caregivers have to balance their role with a job, raising children, and other aspects of family life. The topic will be one of many discussed at the HLTH event in Las Vegas from October 8-11.

Health Tech

Why Tomorrow Health’s CEO Is Calling for More Caregiver Reimbursement

To address the burden faced by family caregivers across the country, Tomorrow Health CEO Vijay Kedar argues that the U.S. healthcare system should expand its reimbursement for the care they provide. Not only is caregiving physically and emotionally taxing, but it can also cause severe financial strain —many caregivers take time off work and spend their own money to support their loved ones’ care, he explained.

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